Treatment with love and care

ADHD Treatment given to a child with love and care. At IIAHP Therapy Center, therapist make child comfortable and keep in mind the needs of the child. Also, keep tracking the recovery record of particular child.


Encouragement of expressing yourself freely with modeling, painting, drawing as remedial activity. Foreign therapist have a visit to IIAHP Therapy Center twice a year. This brings patience and calmness in a child.

Gives best ADHD Treatment

IIAHP Therapy Center gives the best ADHD treatment. Here treatment is done considering what are the needs of a child to improve and will give faster response. Best suited therapy is given according to condition for better outcome.

Provides best therapist

Parents will be ensured that their child is allotted with best therapist and therapy schedule made specially according to child's symptoms and speed of recovery. Also make sure to treat a child and make him/her comfortable with the changes.

Use different techniques to enhance recovery

This technique is used to enhance concentrating and organizing quality of a child. Also, make the child calm and allow him/her to concentrate on one thing. It basically removes child's concentration from fidgets or squirms.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

What cause ADHD ?

What causes ADHD?

The causes of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) is an injury to the brain before or after birth. The damage to the brain affects the functionality and causes attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. In some cases, it is inherited from the parents. The children having ADHD siblings or parents are more likely to suffer from ADHD symptoms. If a child is diagnosed with ADHD, then there may be 30% - 40% chances of their relatives have also been diagnosed by the disorder. It has been found that genetic imbalance plays a significant role in hyperactivity. 

ADHD is mainly a combination of environmental risk and genetic factors. Some studies show that there is a molecule in the brain which is responsible for communication between dopamine and neurons. They play a crucial role in task orientation, attention, and action. The medication used to treat this disorder also increases the level of specific neurons. Imbalance in the dopamine-nervous system plays a crucial role in the upgrowth of ADHD.


HEREDITY - There are very high chances of ADHD in children with family history.

CHEMICAL IMBALANCE - There are some chemicals in the brain which are responsible for this disorder.

CHANGES IN BRAIN - Some areas of the brain responds to control attention, which become less active and causes ADHD.

BEFORE BIRTH - If a woman during pregnancy is abused by substances such as poor nutrition, infection, drinking, and smoking may affect a child's brain.

TOXINS - Intake of some toxins such as lead may harm a child's brain.

BRAIN INJURY OR BRAIN DISORDER - A child is injured before or after birth, which damages the frontal lobe and causes hyperactive and impulsive behavior.

Some parents believe that eating sugar can cause disorder, but it is a stereotype. ADHD can be cured if treatment can be taken as early as possible. Having a suitable ADHD treatment plan and the program can help a child to reduce different symptoms of ADHD.

Monday 27 May 2019

Types And Symptoms of ADHD

Symptoms of ADHD depends upon the age of the child, or a person that means it affects differently to different age groups. We offer the best ADHD Treatment to make your life better.
Symptoms of ADHD

Types of ADHD

ADHD can be categorized into several categories depending upon the severity of symptoms and the seriousness of the disorder. They are as follows:
  • Easily distracted 
  • Find it difficult to follow the direction. 
  • Trouble finishing task
  • Don't listen or pay attention.
  • Forget about daily activities. 
  • Difficulty in sitting still 
  • Often loses things 
  • Daydreamer

  • Fidget, bounces, or squirms often.
  • Can't remain seated
  • a problem in playing or doing something quietly
  • Restlessness 
  • Excessive talking
  • Never drain out of energy.
  • Trouble waiting or staying ideal.
  • Don't let finish the question, blurt out the answer that is without even thinking.
  • Interrupts others while communicating

Symptoms of ADHD

Different ADHD children display different types of symptoms depending upon the seriousness of the disorder.
There is a wide range of signs and symptoms shown by ADHD children such as they don't follow directions or ignore them, take things without permission, get frustrated easily,  creates trouble in a particular task when expected to be quiet.
There is another range of symptoms shown by ADHD children such as daydreaming, gets distracted easily or loses focus, forget or loses things, doesn't consider the consequences of his own doing, forget homework to bring or to turn them in and often remain restless.
To observe and diagnose the symptoms shown by teens is challenging as their minds are already complicated to understand. So, their symptoms can vary widely, like can't prioritize or organize things accurately, impulsive, fidgets frequently or talks too much, trouble finishing tasks, direction or items need to be repeated, commit a lot of silly mistakes.

Symptoms of ADHD are different for Adults:-
  • Low self-esteem
  • Problems at work
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble controlling anger
  • Impulsive behaviour
  • Substance addiction or abuse
  • Get frustrated easily
  • Chronic boredom
  • Relationship problems
  • Depression
Some teachers or parents may observe signs of ADHD in a child at a very young age, but to some extent, it is normal to be restless, impulsive, or impatient. These things are absolutely fine. When symptoms mentioned above according to the groups, seems to continue and start causing problems at home, school or office then it may be ADHD.

What is ADHD ?

What is ADHD?
The timely diagnosis of ADHD requires the proper knowledge, awareness of the disorder and its symptoms. Parents must be aware of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A child shows ADHD symptoms at the early age of 2 years, at that time, it becomes essential for parents to have proper knowledge of ADHD and its symptoms.

ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a complex neurological disorder caused due to genetic factors. A child who has ADHD has different brain activity and development, which affects self-control and difficulty in controlling actions. The seriousness of ADHD varies from person to person, depending on the symptoms. It is one of the most diagnosed and common disorders among children. The basic problem with such children is that they are unable to control their feelings, emotions, and face difficulty in paying attention. Asa‌ ‌result, they face difficulty at school and in studies. It has been found that 2.5% of adults and 8.4% of children have ADHD. It is more common in boys than girls, symptoms can also vary with the child's gender. The signs in boys are likely to be more severe than in girls. Children are improving after taking ADHD treatment from IIAHP at sector 35C Chandigarh.


Symptoms of ADHD begins in childhood and can continue into adulthood. Parents must observe the child's actions and reactions in different situations. It is mostly noted that when a child starts going to school, he/she faces a problem to pay attention and have poor concentration. It makes it very naturally challenging for a child to concentrate. There are some more things a parent should observe in their child’s behaviour. A child may show signs and symptoms like:-

  • Trouble in managing time 
  • Trouble being organised
  • Impulsive behaviour
  • Restless and impatient
  • Difficulty in multi-tasking
  • Poor planning
  • Hyperactive in responding
  • Aggressive in nature

The onset of ADHD symptoms affects several dimensions of life, such as::

  • Relationship
  • Self-esteem
  • Managing emotions
One essential note for parents is that ADHD symptoms occur due to genetic imbalance that means if anyone of the parents are diagnosed with hyperactivity, then there can be a 99.9% chance that their child will also suffer from the same. Also, it is not necessary that it can be seen only in children, adults may also get affected.