What is ADHD?
The timely diagnosis of ADHD requires the proper knowledge, awareness of the disorder and its symptoms. Parents must be aware of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A child shows ADHD symptoms at the early age of 2 years, at that time, it becomes essential for parents to have proper knowledge of ADHD and its symptoms.
ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a complex neurological disorder caused due to genetic factors. A child who has ADHD has different brain activity and development, which affects self-control and difficulty in controlling actions. The seriousness of ADHD varies from person to person, depending on the symptoms. It is one of the most diagnosed and common disorders among children. The basic problem with such children is that they are unable to control their feelings, emotions, and face difficulty in paying attention. As a result, they face difficulty at school and in studies. It has been found that 2.5% of adults and 8.4% of children have ADHD. It is more common in boys than girls, symptoms can also vary with the child's gender. The signs in boys are likely to be more severe than in girls. Children are improving after taking ADHD treatment from IIAHP at sector 35C Chandigarh.
ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a complex neurological disorder caused due to genetic factors. A child who has ADHD has different brain activity and development, which affects self-control and difficulty in controlling actions. The seriousness of ADHD varies from person to person, depending on the symptoms. It is one of the most diagnosed and common disorders among children. The basic problem with such children is that they are unable to control their feelings, emotions, and face difficulty in paying attention. As a result, they face difficulty at school and in studies. It has been found that 2.5% of adults and 8.4% of children have ADHD. It is more common in boys than girls, symptoms can also vary with the child's gender. The signs in boys are likely to be more severe than in girls. Children are improving after taking ADHD treatment from IIAHP at sector 35C Chandigarh.
Symptoms of ADHD begins in childhood and can continue into adulthood. Parents must observe the child's actions and reactions in different situations. It is mostly noted that when a child starts going to school, he/she faces a problem to pay attention and have poor concentration. It makes it very naturally challenging for a child to concentrate. There are some more things a parent should observe in their child’s behaviour. A child may show signs and symptoms like:-
- Trouble in managing time
- Trouble being organised
- Impulsive behaviour
- Restless and impatient
- Difficulty in multi-tasking
- Poor planning
- Hyperactive in responding
- Aggressive in nature
The onset of ADHD symptoms affects several dimensions of life, such as::
- Relationship
- Self-esteem
- Managing emotions
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